avocado zucchini soup

Here's what I love about nature and life:

We really do have access to what we need when we need it. And Life really is out to help us.Case in point: summer cooling foods.In the hot summer months, nature grows foods like cucumber, zucchini, and watermelon which are naturally cooling.In the cold of winter, seasonal veggies include warming pumpkins, sweet potatoes, and other root vegetables.

Usually, what we're looking for is right in front of us, and Life (AKA God/Universe) has our back.

I'm a big believer in pronoia. Pronoia is the antidote for paranoia. It's the belief that the Universe is out to help you, and that life is fundamentally loving and friendly.So rather than worry, rail and complain against the summer heat, limiting beliefs, economic fears, political upheavals, and an endless stream of Kardashian-inspired pop culture crap, I choose to look at what is going well and what resources are immediately available to me.

So healthy foods that help you feel the way you want to feel are a lot like life choices - the small choices have the big, long-term impact:

  • I'd rather watch inspiring movies like Advanced Style and Happy than shame-inducing reality TV...
  • I'd rather eat a sweet, cooling snack like sliced jicama than get an iced Frapa-crappa-cccino.
  • I spend my time with friends who lift me up rather than drag me down or degrade me.
  • I can give myself the pleasure and play my body craves, rather than try to shop/buy my way to joy.
  • And this summer, I'll eat the cooling, seasonal foods that are easy to prepare, taste good, and help me feel great.

It's a good recipe for life, and a good recipe for soup.

Avocado Zucchini Soup:

1 pound zucchini (about 2 medium) roughly chopped1 avocado, peeled and pitted1 cup peeled and chopped cucumber1/2 small yellow onion1 cup unsweetened almond milk or organic buttermilk1/2 cup packed basil leaves1 clove garlic, peeled1 tablespoon fresh lemon zest2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil1/2 teaspoon sea salt1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper


Combine all in a blender and blend until smooth!Top with optional drizzle of olive oil, basil leaves, or edible flowers like nasturtiums.


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