5 Steps To Handle Tough Topics Together, For Win-Win Outcomes!

Pre-S: This process is how we take on tough topics in our family, and forms the heart of our book Radical Alignment, available now on Audible

Recently I gave you a detailed practice to help you, on your own, get clear on a tough topic here.

Now we’re stepping it up a level, and you’ll talk about a hard topic with someone else.



Give the other person a 24-hour heads up. Don’t spring it on them, if you can help it. 

(Nothing sets my adrenaline off when someone says to me: “We Need To Talk.”)

Try this: “Hey, can we talk about TOPIC X tomorrow? Here’s a simple structure I learned that we can use to frame the topic together. (share the 4 points below, or send it to them in an email)”

Pick a comfortable, distraction-free space with plenty of time available to complete the conversation without feeling rushed. Next, name the specific issue you will be discussing.

A good setup will look like this: “We are talking about X — so we can become a better team,” or “Let’s talk about our summer vacation — so we all have a wonderful time.”


Agree to take it one step at a time, and agree that each person has time to dig deep and answer completely before moving on. The questions below are prompts to get you thinking, so don’t feel pressured to answer each one. 

  1. Challenge yourself to speak with authenticity and to listen without judgment. 

  2. When speaking, do your best to be vulnerable and complete. 

  3. When listening be as open as possible – only ask questions if they are encouraging and curious. 

  4. Don’t argue points, just use this time to listen to each other. ( A TON of clarity and empathy can come from this process)


The next 4 steps are what we call the All-In Method, and it forms the main tool of our book, Radical Alignment:

  1. INTENTIONS: Why do you want to be a part of this X? How can this support your personal goals? Which of your values do you want to bring to this vacation?

  2. CONCERNS: What worries you about the team, our plan, etc.? What do you think will get in our way? Where will we run into trouble?

  3. BOUNDARIES: What do you need to be at your personal best? What will keep us from overreaching or burning out? What rules or guidelines will help this team be the best?

  4. DREAMS: If this goes incredibly well, what will be true? How will you feel? Where will you be? What will have shifted? What do you want to be true for you, for me, for us?

Since early 2020, we’ve trained thousands of people around the world in this method to talk about their tough topics.

And it’s helping.

Here are just a couple of comments from recent workshop participants:

That’s it!

Sit together, share your intentions, concerns, boundaries, and dreams together about a single topic. Want the deep dive? Go order our award-winning book, Radical Alignment.

It may feel weird to bring structure to what might be an emotional topic, but believe me, it works. 

Try it!

Does your work team keep discussing the same problems over and over, but they never go away? Or worse, everyone complains about the team in private but can’t discuss problems in a constructive way as a group...

Our Radical Alignment Team Performance Toolkit will help you:

  • Get clear on the most essential missing conversations, and

  • Develop a clear actionable plan for having them. 

You’ll receive:

  • Team Alignment Workbook

  • All-In Method Cheat Sheet

  • All-In Method Facilitation Guide

  • 5 Key Frameworks for Full Team Alignment


13 Inspiring Quotes on Alignment


How To Talk About Politics With Family & Other Tough Topics