3 ways to grow your intuition, heal your gut + listen to your body better

In this final of three parts on how to listen to your body and grow your intuition,Today’s exercise is a guided meditation I’ve recorded that you can listen to in order to feel what your body is saying on an even deeper level:Body Love MeditationI recommend that you set aside 15 minutes to close your eyes in a quiet place, listen to this without interruption, and experience what a loving connection with your body can be like.For part 2 of this series, the YES/NO exercise, go here:Yes/No ExerciseClick here to order your special gluten-free certified probioticsto help you repopulate and heal your gut with the right microflora necessary for intestinal health.

certified gluten-free!

52 Intuition and Gut Health


3 steps to trust your body + grow your intuition. Step 2: Yes/No Exercise