On Embracing Growth: Navigating the Hurdles Faced by Emerging Managers Transitioning to Executive Leadership

That Lonely Feeling That Rising STEM Managers Face When Moving Up A Level

I’ve seen it happen time and time again: a leader moves up the ladder and finds herself with that “dangling without a net” feeling.

As you step into a leadership role it usually comes with a new feedback dynamic.

Especially true for women who ascend to leadership positions in STEM, the valuable input they once received dwindles. Newly promoted executives may find themselves facing fewer candid conversations, reduced constructive criticism, and a scarcity of outside and diverse perspectives.

This transition can lead to a sense of isolation and a diminishing awareness of potential blind spots.

Your climb up the leadership ladder doesn’t have to be lonely and isolating.

It's crucial to recognize that leadership need not be a solitary journey. In fact, it is an opportunity for growth and empowerment. Engaging with a creative leadership development coach provides a supportive and dynamic space for women leaders in STEM to cultivate their skills and resources. By collaborating with a coach, you not only counteract the potential isolation that comes with leadership but also ensure that there's ample light to illuminate your path forward. Through coaching, women in STEM can actively work on their professional development, gaining the tools and insights necessary for success in leadership roles.




Creativity In Leadership Is A Must-Have