5 Secrets of Creative Leaders: #5 Command (it’s not what you may think)

Give & Take is Demonstrated by the Best Creative Leaders

Mastering the art of giving and receiving ideas is paramount for creative leaders. They understand the power of collaboration and create an environment where everyone feels heard, valued and empowered to contribute. Using tools like the "All-In Method," as detailed in my book "Radical Alignment," co-authored with my husband Bob Gower, is key to fostering a culture of open communication and innovation. GET THE BOOK HERE ON AUDIBLE:

I’m here to help you embrace your creativity and use it to fuel your rise up the ladder.

Let’s talk about Creative Leadership Coaching for yourself or your rising leaders.

Grab a time on my cal here: https://calendly.com/alex-jamieson-coach

Remember, innovation is the key to staying ahead. Invest in creative leadership, and watch your business thrive.


Why An Eclipse (and Creativity) Matters So Much: 3 Questions


5 Secrets of Creative Leaders: #4 Commit to Your Creativity